Absenteeism Policy

Please take note of the following absenteeism policy for Top Out Climbing Club:

  1. Parents and guardians are to notify their child’s specific coach on whether their child will not make a particular class at least 24 hours prior to the class.
  2. If it is an emergency and something literally came up to prevent the child coming to class, the parent or guardian is to contact their child’s specific coach immediately.
  3. If a child is running late for class, the parent or guardian must notify their child’s specific coach immediately.
  4. It is preferable to send an sms or whatsapp message when notifying coaches of any of the above.  For notifications early enough in advance, an email will suffice.
  5. Unless Delaney Carpenter has been informed up front at the start of the term of any days that the parent or guardian knows definitively that their child will not be attending a specific class, any missed classes will still need to be paid for: the coach will still show up for a class even if your child doesn’t.
  6. Special concessions will be given for reasons for absenteeism out of the ordinary, i.e. deaths in the family, acts of God, emergency situations, long-term injuries or illnesses, etc.  These must be communicated to Delaney Carpenter and only Delaney Carpenter can make the call to credit these missed sessions.

The current Top Out Climbing Coaches’ contact details are below:

Alyssa Meyer – 079 908 0378 – alyssa.jane.meyer@gmail.com

Anneke Eberhard – 083 254 4861 – anneke.eberhard@gmail.com

Daniel Robbins – 062 167 3778 – vintagetrade102@outlook.com

Delaney Carpenter – 083 355 9933 – delaney@topout-climbing.com

Gadi Aginsky – 084 012 6823 – gadiaginsky@gmail.com

Shane Jansen van Vuuren – 072 399 2761 – mcconfectionary@gmail.com

Any questions pertaining to the above can be sent to info@topout-climbing.com.